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Wish you knew how to squirt?

Squirting Orgasms are one of the most sought after sexual skillsets (and a source of shame for many others). The best way to boost sexual satisfaction is understanding & owning your own pleasure.

And there's a lot of important information that no one is talking about...


Are you a sensual woman who wants to experience greater pleasure?

When I asked my OBGYN about the particularly juicy orgasms I'd have on occasion and she couldn't give me any answers, I knew I had to take my education into my own hands. As a woman on a mission to reclaim her sexuality and a Mechanical Engineer by training, I got to work. I found the research, played around with different techniques, and eventually understood the mechanics behind this special orgasm.

One of the most eye-opening facts I found in the research is that anyone with a vulva can experience this type of orgasm. And yet countless women have come to me, swearing this was something their body would never do. With enough work together, these women were in fact able to make it happen! But this goes to show that there's a whole lot more to orgasm than having the right body parts.

I created this course to provide you with the whole picture. Not just the "tips & tricks" but everything that comes together to create an orgasm.

This information still isn't widely known! Even my Gyno couldn't answer my questions and the internet is full of negative and down-right false information about female sexuality. In an effort to top the cycle of shame and help women own their full spectrum of pleasure, I created this course.

If you are looking to gain a deeper understanding of your arousal, orgasm, and pleasure, this course was created with you in mind. I'm glad you've found your way here πŸ’•





  • Sensual women who want to be able to squirt consistently and up-level their pleasure
  • Women who squirt but don't know why & how to do it consistently
  • Lovers of women who want to increase their partner’s pleasureβ€” wow your partner with your knew knowledge or better yet, take the course together!


  • Squirting Orgasm basics: what it's made of & where it comes from
  • Identify your 5 vaginal canal "hot spots" for best results
  • Body Anatomy: where, why, and how!
  • Deep understanding of the female Arousal Cycle (and how this allows for multiple orgasms!)
  • The role of your mind/body connection
  • Tips to help you relax & enjoy the experience
  • Field Tips: additional suggestions that have helped others


  • I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Ph.D. in Human Sexuality. As such, I bring the curiosity and efficiency of an engineer along with the knowledge and empathy of a Clinical Sexologist. I've been told the way I teach is uniquely pragmatic, effective, and empathetic.
  • The "hot-spots" mapped out in this course aren't being talked about by other sex educators. This is my original work! The course is truly one of a kind.
  • There is a lot of unhelpful, even shame-inducing information out there about Squirting. This course is taught from a scientific and sex-positive perspective. You will walk away with concrete knowledge and the confidence to explore your pleasure.

CAUTION: Be careful who you learn from


SAVE $59

Discount ends Dec 1 @ 11:59PM EST




Turn on the water works!



"It's so much easier for me to Orgasm (squirting and other) now that I understand what's going on and how I can repeat it time and time again! πŸ™Œ "
​— Claire 2021



Still not sure?

I'm so confident that this class will rock your world... I'm offering a risk-free 30-day full money-back guarantee.


​Have questions? Reach out!




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